Antwort How big is the gender pay gap in Sweden? Weitere Antworten – Is there a gender pay gap in Sweden

How big is the gender pay gap in Sweden?
*The monthly wages are rounded to the nearest SEK 100. Source: Swedish National Mediation Office and Statistics Sweden. As the table shows, women had an average of 90.1 percent of men's wages in 2022, which corresponds to a gender pay gap of 9.9 percent (100-90.1). There was a large variation between different sectors.South Korea
Which Countries Have the Worst Gender Pay Gaps

Rank Country Percentage Difference in Men's & Women's Full-time Earnings
1 🇰🇷 South Korea 31.2%
2 🇮🇱 Israel 25.4%
3 🇱🇻 Latvia 24.9%
4 🇯🇵 Japan 21.3%

Gender equality policy in Sweden. Equality between women and men is a constitutional norm and an explicit policy objective in Sweden. The ultimate aim of Swedish gender equality policy is for women and men to have the same opportunities, rights and responsibilities in all areas of life.

What is the gender pay gap in Czech Republic : The Gender Pay Gap (GPG), which indicates how much less women earn on average than men, remains at 16.4% in the Czech Republic, while the average difference in the EU is 13%.

What is the gender imbalance in Sweden

Progress in gender equality

With 83.9 out of 100 points, Sweden ranks 1st in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. Its score is 15.3 points above the EU's score. Since 2010, Sweden's score has increased by 3.8 points, mainly due to improvements in the domains of power and time.

Is there a pink tax in Sweden : Additionally, there is a paper on pink tax which was conducted in Sweden in 2022 (Kardetoft, 2022), demonstrating that women pay 4.1% more for personal care products.


In 2022, women's gross hourly earnings were on average 12.7 % below those of men in the EU. In 2022, the highest gender pay gap in the EU was recorded in Estonia (21.3 %) and the lowest in Luxembourg (-0.7 %).

Iceland consistently ranks highly for global gender equality, and was last year named the most gender-equal country in the world for the fourteenth year in a row.

What is the #1 gender equal country


1) Denmark

Nordic countries usually come out on top for measures related to gender equality, and the GII is no exception. Denmark has the best GII score based on the most recent data (2021), at 0.013.The population in Sweden has been increasing at a steady pace over the past two decades. At the end of 2023, the population in Sweden amounted to 10.55 million inhabitants. Among them, 5.31 million were men and 5.24 million were women.In recent years, Slovakia's gender pay gap was generally higher in the public sector. In 2022, female employees in the private sector received wages 17.7 percent lower than those of men. In the public sector, this figure amounted to18.

This basically reveals how much less women earn than men. In 2022, the gender gap was 12.7 per cent in the EU. In other words, women earned 12.7 per cent on average less per hour than men. This shows that women on average earn €87.3 for every €100 earned by men.

What country has the lowest gender gap : Iceland

Iceland enjoys the smallest overall gender gap, according to the 2024 index, followed by other Nordic countries like Finland, Norway, as well as New Zealand. Conversely, gender parity in Afghanistan is deemed the most challenged.

Is 55000 a good salary in Sweden : 55K SEK is good salary as per Sweden average salary (25000 monthly).

Why is Sweden’s tax rate so high

Scandinavian countries provide a broader scope of public services—such as universal health care and higher education—than the United States. However, such programs necessitate higher levels of taxation, which is reflected in Scandinavia's relatively high tax-to-GDP ratios.

The gender pay gap at median earnings in Poland (10%) is one of the lowest in the OECD (the OECD average is 16%); and the pay gap among top earners in Poland is small. Women in Poland are more likely to have permanent employment than men and to work in professional occupations.In a global perspective Iceland is considered the most gender equal country. Dominating this list is another four Nordic countries: Norway, Finland, and Sweden.

What are the least feminist countries in Europe : The former Soviet nations of Lithuania, Ukraine and Russia are the least likely to believe gender equality is very important, though more than half in each country hold this view.