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Does Ireland get sharks?
Second-largest living fish on planet to become 'protected wild animal' under Ireland's Wildlife Act. Historic legal protection for thousands of endangered basking sharks which comes into effect on Monday is a “game-changer” for the globally significant population in Irish waters, campaigners have said.However, the acknowledged basking shark hotspots are the south coast from West Cork to West Kerry, and the North West coasts of Mayo, Sligo and Donegal.But while the average beach-goer will have the horrors of Jaws in mind, the presence of great white sharks in Irish waters may be a godsend to coastal fishermen concerned by alleged predation of fish stocks by seals, which just happen to be the shark's favourite dinner.

Does Europe get sharks : In the crevices of Europe's underwater reefs live nursehound sharks; a species harmless to humans and crucial for the marine ecosystem. Each can be identified by a unique pattern of specks.

Will great white sharks come to Ireland

The optimum water temperature for great white sharks is 15C to 18C, which means the Irish summer would suit them perfectly. But there is no need for Irish swimmers to worry. “Even in places around the world where great whites are common, the likelihood of an incident with a shark is very low,” Payne said.

Are there tiger sharks in Ireland : On three occasions this year, smalltooth sand tiger sharks (Odontaspis ferox) have either washed up or been spotted in Irish and British waters. Sightings of the tiger shark are unusual given they would normally be found in more southern waters.

The optimum water temperature for great white sharks is 15C to 18C, which means the Irish summer would suit them perfectly. But there is no need for Irish swimmers to worry. “Even in places around the world where great whites are common, the likelihood of an incident with a shark is very low,” Payne said.

Italy. While some people might not expect it, Europe has its fair share of shark attacks, with Italy carrying among the highest. Approximately 47 types of sharks live in the Mediterranean, including great whites, which people have spotted on the Italian coast.

Why don’t we get sharks in the UK

The truth is nobody really knows. Some hypothesise they have not just yet discovered our shores. Whereas some say their migration is not worth the energy it would take. While others believe they are in fact here but remaining hidden, apart from the occasional speculative sighting.Basking Shark & Dolphin Watch, Achill

Dolphins and basking sharks are common sights in the waters around Achill during the early summer season, usually May and June.The blue shark is a long-distance migrant that is present in Irish waters usually from June to October, when it is taken by recreational anglers on a catch-and-release basis. The blue shark is one of Ireland's largest and most valuable marine sport fishes.

There are some Great white sharks in the Mediterranean and with climate change and the Atlantic warming slowly from the south, as evidenced by cod moving further north and hake replacing them, it is only a matter of time before there are some sighted in Ireland, probably off the SW coast of Ireland first and then more …

Do great white sharks live in Ireland : The optimum water temperature for great white sharks is 15C to 18C, which means the Irish summer would suit them perfectly. But there is no need for Irish swimmers to worry. “Even in places around the world where great whites are common, the likelihood of an incident with a shark is very low,” Payne said.

Where are sharks most aggressive : Insider has taken a look at some of the major shark attack hot spots around the world, from Australia to the Bahamas.

  1. Florida. Florida tops the rankings for the highest rate of shark attacks globally, according to the ISAF.
  2. Australia.
  3. Hawaii.
  4. South Carolina.
  5. North Carolina.
  6. South Africa and California.
  7. Réunion.
  8. Brazil.

Has a shark ever saved a human

Depends on the shark really. Great white sharks Highly unlikely. But lemon sharks have been known to help out humans who are lost or in danger.

Only a few sharks are potentially dangerous to humans. None of these have ever been reported in British waters. With so many shark species under threat seeing a shark in British waters should be a cause for celebration.So, the vast majority of sighting records are received over a fairly short three-month shark season running April to June. While there are always outliers, such as the late season specimen videoed off Balbriggan, North Co. Dublin on Dec.

What is the #1 deadliest shark : the great white shark

Indeed, the great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) leads all other sharks in attacks on people and boats, as well as fatalities. Currently, the great white shark has been connected with a total of 354 total unprovoked shark attacks, including 57 fatalities [source: ISAF].