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Do Celtic have any Protestant players?
Cyril and Methodius Cultural Route

The Cyril and Methodius Route is the first route focusing on Slavic cultural heritage recognized by the Council of Europe. It is the first certified route originating and based in the Czech Republic. It builds on the millennium-old Cyril and Methodius cultural tradition.Cyril (Greek: Κύριλλος; born Constantine, 826–869) and Methodius (Greek: Μεθόδιος; born Michael, 815–885) were brothers, Byzantine Christian theologians and missionaries. For their work evangelizing the Slavs, they are known as the "Apostles to the Slavs".Cyril and Methodius were not born in Bulgaria. They were raised among people and spoke and wrote a language that became known as Bulgarian. It is for these reasons that they have been considered by the Bulgarians as their national saints and honored and worshiped for 1,000 years.

Who Christianized the Slavs : The simultaneous missionary efforts to convert the Slavs by what would later become known as the Catholic Church of Rome and the Eastern Orthodox Church of Constantinople led to a 'second point of contention between Rome and Constantinople', especially in Bulgaria (9th–10th century).

Why are Croatians Roman Catholic

Conversion of the Croats

Croats had their first contact with the Holy See in year 641 when the papal envoy Abbot Martin came to them in order to redeem Christian captives and the bones of the martyrs that Croats were keeping.

Was Bulgaria ever Catholic : The Catholic Church is the fourth largest religious congregation in Bulgaria, after Eastern Orthodoxy, Islam and Protestantism. Its roots in the country date to the Middle Ages and are part of the worldwide Catholic Church, under the spiritual leadership of the Pope in Rome.

About 6.7 million Bulgarians, 85 percent of the population, are officially registered as belonging to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. The church has 12 dioceses and more than 2,000 priests. A theological academy in Sofia and minor seminaries train candidates for the priesthood.

Origins. Distribution of the Venedi, Sarmatae and Germanic peoples on the frontier of the Roman empire in 125 AD. Byzantine sources describe the Venedi as the ancestors of the Sclaveni (Slavs). The early Slavs were known to the Roman writers of the 1st and 2nd centuries AD under the name of Veneti.

Who is the father of the Slavs

Even though they were Greeks, Cyril and Methodius are considered the fathers of Slavic culture, such an integral part of European identity that in 1980 Pope John Paul II named them co-Patrons of Europe together with St.Eastern Orthodox Christianity predominates throughout most of Serbia. It is less prevalent in several municipalities and cities near borders with neighboring countries, where adherents of Islam or Catholicism are more numerous, and two predominantly Protestant municipalities in Vojvodina.Catholic

According to Croatian government 2021 census data released on September 22, 79 percent of the population is Catholic, 3.3 percent Serbian Orthodox, and 1.3 percent Muslim. Nearly 5 percent identify as nonreligious or atheist.

Subsequent to their arrival, Christianity quickly spread throughout the region, as in the rest of Europe, and the Catholic Church became very dominant. Today, the Czech Republic enjoys strict freedom of religion.

Is Denmark Roman Catholic : Religion of Denmark

Nevertheless, the overwhelming majority of Danes remained at least nominally members of the state church, the Evangelical Lutheran People's Church of Denmark (folkekirken). Lutheranism replaced Roman Catholicism as the country's official religion in 1536, during the Reformation.

How many Orthodox are there in Czech Republic : 75,000

Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia
Origin 1921
Independence 1951 1998
Recognition Autocephaly recognised in 1951 by the Russian Orthodox Church and in 1998 by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.
Members 75,000 (2021)

How many Polish Orthodox are there

Religious Demography

The next largest religious groups are the Polish Orthodox Church, with approximately a half million members, and Jehovah's Witnesses, with approximately 115,000 members.

Their origin and identity are much in dispute. Traditional Western scholars believe them to be Scandinavian Vikings, an offshoot of the Varangians, who moved southward from the Baltic coast and founded the first consolidated state among the eastern Slavs, centring on Kiev.Genetics. Consistent with the proximity of their languages, analyses of Y chromosomes, mDNA, and autosomal marker CCR5de132 shows that East Slavs and West Slavs are genetically very similar, but demonstrating significant differences from neighboring Finno-Ugric, Turkic, and North Caucasian peoples.

Is Polish considered Slavic : Polish is a Western Slavic language spoken by approximately 38 million people within Poland. Polish speakers can also be found throughout the globe, especially in hubs of the Polish diaspora such as Chicago, London and New York. Polish uses a Latin-based alphabet with diacritics on certain consonants and vowels.