Antwort Can I be a female pope? Weitere Antworten – Can a female be a pope

Can I be a female pope?
Modern scholars carefully traced all of the stories about Joan and the historical timeline, confirming that it would be impossible for her to have ruled. The Oxford Dictionary of Popes says there is no evidence of the female pope, however, it does acknowledge that for centuries Catholics believed in her existence."Popess" or "papess" is probably the most reasonable answer.According to popular legend, there was once a female Pope – Pope Joan, who reigned for two years between 855 and 857 before coming to a very sticky end. If you've never heard of her, it's hardly surprising as her existence has been questioned for centuries and her name wiped from official history.

Has there been a black pope : There has never been certainty of a black pope in the Catholic Church. There is record of three early popes that came from the Roman provinces of North Africa, Pope Victor I, Pope Miltades, and Pope Gelasius I.

Has a woman ever been pope

Pope Joan, legendary female pontiff who supposedly reigned, under the title of John VIII, for slightly more than 25 months, from 855 to 858, between the pontificates of St.

Can a pope be any age : Currently, the minimum age for bishops is 35. This includes the pope. There is no maximum age. In fact, though, it has been nearly 500 years since the cardinals elected anyone under 50.

As the story goes, this “Pope Joan” was a young woman who disguised herself as a man and entered into religious training. After distinguishing herself as a scholar, she rose through the church ranks and was elected Pope John VIII in the year 855.

In early Christianity some priests considered the ordination of women as priestesses but decided that it was incompatible with Christian law. Today, most priests agree that women serving as priests is contrary to the law of God.

Which pope had a girlfriend

Pope John Paul II had an intimate 32-year relationship with a Polish philosopher who is believed to have once declared her love to him while he was still a cardinal, according to letters discovered by the BBC.Pope Benedict IX (Latin: Benedictus IX; c. 1012 – c. 1056), born Theophylactus of Tusculum in Rome, was the bishop of Rome and ruler of the Papal States for three periods between October 1032 and July 1048. Aged about 20 when first elected, he is the youngest pope in history.Traditionally, the protocol for papal audiences required women to wear a long black garment with long sleeves, and a black veil, the colour of which signified the virtues of piety and humility.

The ordination of women to ministerial or priestly office is an increasingly common practice among some contemporary major religious groups.

Who was the 11 year old pope : Benedict IX

Mann, Benedict IX was about twenty when made pontiff in October 1032. Other sources state that he was 11 or 12, based upon the unsubstantiated testimony of Rupert Glaber, a monk of St. Germanus at Auxerre.

Does the pope get paid : Popes usually get paid hendsomely, the current wage he gets is $32,000 on a monthly basis but he refused to get any of that money. Instead, Pope Francis decided to either donate this money to the church, use it to endow a foundation, placed in trust or pass it on to a family member.

Can you be a priest if you are not a virgin

So no, virginity is apparently not a requirement, but a vow of celibacy is.

In 1918, Alma Bridwell White, head of the Pillar of Fire Church, became the first woman to be ordained bishop in the United States. Today, over half of all American Protestant denominations ordain women, but some restrict the official positions a woman can hold.Pope Alexander VI

While it is uncommon for popes to have children due to the celibacy vow, there is a historical record of a Pope having a child. Pope Alexander VI, who reigned from 1492 to 1503, had several children.

Who did pope kiss : Pope Francis has kissed the feet of South Sudan's previously warring leaders during a two-day spiritual retreat at the Vatican. "I am asking you as a brother to stay in peace. I am asking you with my heart, let us go forward," the 82-year-old pontiff said after he performed the rare gesture.